Saturday, June 20, 2009

lesson learnt document of a software engineer .

Hello friends ,

Below is my take on software style of living ,
basically in software style only via a learning document , enjoy :)

Lesson Learnt Document by a Software Engineer

Just imagine life as a book , a book with quite interesting lessons,
The lesson we all are learning these days , is “Life in the software world” ,
And as a true software professional , I have done many deadlines , missed a few ,
to which in the form of “lesson learnt document “ presenting in front of you

Ok so lets start with our journey , but hang on
in India when we think of journey , we think of Train ,

Thanks to software world , the terminology of train saw a mass change ,
and after compiling it , I could get quite a different range definitely quite strange

Someone ask me on railway station which platform , I confidently say Mainframe , ,
after that I wonder why people give me a look as if I got a Brain-Ham…..

The best engine for me has to be Google , it runs while rest just Joggle ,
The ticket in my life have mostly become “Help Desk” ticket ,

The word for which my Lotus Notes spell checker gives suggestion “Helpless”,
And the last and best one has suffered quite a technical swine flu ,,
the track specification is either 20 or 40 as per the requirement of dataset .

Lets move to sports arena now , by the way what was the last time u did that ,
Anyways gone are the days when matches used to be “Live” ,
The darkness to which we combat with “High-Lights” and survive ,

Look how “Good Timing” has become skill to flip the Score screen when someone pass by ,
and “bad day “ is when the manager takes the stroll and you are caught napping by

The perfect “set up” is when you have convinced someone to give you the treat for the
reason or lack of it ,
the perfect “Grab” is when you have pounced on someone else chance to step up
Last and best one “Home Run” is when you manage to run away home from office without anyone noticing

However in the fast paced world today ,
where emotions via a letter never touches hands of either male or female ,
and takes the skyway path of G-mail ,

where chatting “rock” even though the friend is away just one “block” ,
where even poking & slapping friend is an online activity ,
and the thousand templates of wishes are stamp of creativity ,

A software engineer is the “Master of the game” ,
has got money , reputation , brand and of course name ,
So be a little “di-logical” and be proud of what you have gain ,
and that was the tale told with a bit of fun & bit of enjoyment ,
you being a true professional start providing rating to this lesson learnt document
Creatively yours
- © Amit Nandwal


  1. amu u r a true genius.....beyond words to express...really a fantastic words of praise cant match to your expression of thoughts..keep it up dude...

  2. hello sir
    i have a request write something on special peple in ur life...........
    like ur friends
    best of luck
